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Andre Euro MidHandle 120 Open (100cm Band Stretch)


Product Description

The Midhandle 120 speargun features a midhandle placement, giving you additional maneuverability. The mechanism and shaft sit at the end of the speargun allowing for more band stretch giving more power.

The Midhandle 120 speargun has 2 power bands, making it more powerful to spear bigger and faster fish. The teak laminate layers on the Midhandle 120 are laminated from side-to-side, giving the Midhandle 120 a wide body, with a narrow vertical build. This wide design adds weight to the speargun to decrease muzzle kick & increase accuracy. Furthermore, the sleek design offers less drag while tracking the fish. This is an excellent model for fish like snapper and grouper.

The spear track is recessed into the stock to guide the spear accurately down the barrel. The groove is durable and an excellent design feature compared to eye hole spear tracks which break easily and reduce accuracy. The Midhandle 120 speargun uses a larger diameter spear. The spear is more durable, resisting damage from the fish bending it, or direct impact from hitting rocks.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Experience the difference with your new Andre Spearguns Midhandle 120 - 50 inch stock length, two 5/8"x22" power bands, 9/32"x54" shaft, and 18 feet effective shooting range

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